Donate now. Many Thanks!

With every donation you support Clean and Save the World e.V. (CSW) to dispose of any kind of plastic waste from water in order to counteract the deluge of plastic waste in accordance with the statutes. We are happy to assist you with your donation process.

Use our secure donation tool from (see right). Here you can donate via credit card, PayPal or SEPA direct debit. Or transfer your donation directly to our account at Hamburger Sparkasse:

account owner: Clean and Save the World e.V. (CSW)
IBAN: DE73 2005 0550 1501 554644


CSW would like to thank you very much for your donation and your environmental awareness.

Donation transparency and benefits

The tax office closely monitors that CSW donations of any kind are only used for the purposes of the statutes. In addition, two independent auditors are required under CSW’s articles of association.

Contributions (donations and membership fees) to CSW can be taken into account as special expenses for the promotion of tax-privileged purposes within the meaning of §§ 51 to 60a and 61 AO Tax Code, up to 20% of the total annual income of the taxpayer.

Companies can deduct 0.4% of the sum of their sales and wages paid.

CSW was registered by the Hamburg District Court and the tax relief was determined and recognized by the Hamburg North Tax Office on February 4th, 2021.

CSW determination of tax relief from the tax office:

CSW issues a donation receipt for donations: