For a world without plastic waste
in our seas

Clean and Save the World e.V. (CSW) was founded with the mission to reduce the harmful effects of plastics and other pollutants on land and in the oceans to reduce or even eliminate the most modern environmental technologies. By eliminating the garbage in the oceans, such as plastic and similar harmful substances, both our environment and biology are brought back into balance. At the same time, we want to make people aware of the dangers of environmental pollution. Politicians are also called on to pursue the avoidance of single-use plastics and the bio-recycling of all plastics with the highest priority worldwide.

At least 150 million tons of plastic waste are floating in the oceans. These amounts of plastic waste end up in the seas and oceans via rivers of Asia, Europe, the USA, and Canada. The ocean currents cause large accumulations of plastic garbage in the oceans. A total of five Garbage Patches is assumed and a sixth is formed in the Antarctic. The largest Garbage Patch is in the Pacific Ocean and is about the size of Central Europe.


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Currently, ¾ of the garbage in the oceans and seas is made of plastic.

Every year, 10 million tons of additional plastic end up in the oceans. Plastic is not only carried into the oceans via fishing and shipping, but primarily via land and rivers,especially in countries without a functioning waste disposal system. Our oceans are overfilled with plastic waste, slow down the vital Gulf Stream, suffocate fish and other marine life and, as a result, get back into the human food chain as micro and nanoplastics. For this purpose, first human health problems in humans were examined , showing that humans are now breathing nanoplastics.

The sea is now one of the dirtiest places in the world. Germany is the European trash-champion. Auch in der Tierwelt machen sich verheerende Konsequenzen bemerkbar. More than 700 animal species are directly threatened in the course of the global garbage disaster. Millions of seabirds and hundreds of thousands of marine mammals die from litter every year.

The floating plastic flood is not biodegradable, i.e., it stays forever in the sea or in the environment. Our ecosystem is being seriously damaged. We must take action. Otherwise, there will be more litter in the oceans than fish in 2050.

Experience counts!

The CSW e.V.Team will use all of its 40 years of experience in dealing with water purification for the upcoming/planned projects, such as the Exxon Valdez tanker accident off the coast of Alaska, the cleaning of Venice and N.Y. New York, as well as recent cleanings of inland waterways in Europe.